On occasion, we may need some additional information to set up your account. If this is the case, you should see the request in your app. Once you submit it there, the manual review process can take about 3 business days. Typically, we request a valid U.S. government photo ID and a current proof of address document in this process.
Here are the types of documents that we can accept:
A valid U.S. government photo ID to verify your identity, which may include:
- U.S. State issued driver license
- U.S. State issued identification card
- Unexpired U.S. passport
A current proof of address document dated in the past 60 days with your name and address that you used when signing up with Empower:
- Employer paystub
- Utility bill (water, gas, electric, or cable)
- Lease agreement
- Automobile registration
- Official bank statement